Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Photo Challenge~Day 1-7

Day1~  Most treasured item (my Bible)
Day2~Favourite thing in your room
(I love sleep!!)

Day4~  Something close-up
Day3~  Favourite colour(s)

Day5~  Most desired travel destination
Day6~Something you’ve drawn
Day7~  Something you wish you could do
(Go snowboarding...with Tor)


Melodiejoy said...

I've seen lots of people doing these photo challenges this month! I love your photos! And will be excited to see all 29 of them :-)

Krystle Watters said...

Thanks, Melodie! You should do a photo challenge too. :)

Melodiejoy said...

I'm going to!! it's on my 30-Before-30 list...I'm just not starting till after our family vacation :-)