Thursday, March 8, 2012

Communication with Stubborn Fish

While I was getting Lucy ready for church last night,
She reached over and grabbed her frilly top saying,
"Dwess!"and rubbing it on her face.
Then she said, "Aw, pre-ey!(pretty)".
She continued her genius streak in nursery and said, 
"Cup a tea" and "Emma", plain as day!
Then after church as Lucy, Clara and I 
were heading to my Aunt Liz's,
I tried to relieve both our aching ears
of Clara's complaining by chatting with Lucy.
I said, "We're going to see 
Gram and Auntie Shelby soon."
Lucy said, "Ay!!(yay)"
I said, "And Aunt Liz..."
Lucy said, "Weez".
I said, "And Uncle Gordie."
Lucy said, "Wardie."
I said, "And the dog, Mindy."
Lucy said, "Minny. Maggie. Cat."
I got so thrilled that she vocalized her own independent thoughts!!
And since excitement is contagious, 
the rest of the way I heard, 
"Maggie! Cat!!"

This evening during a short battle with the girls of
"It IS bedtime, not jumping or kicking time", 
Lucy informed me WHY.
The question I've been asking for 20 months
without receiving any verbal answers
about many and various behaviours.
Finally, even if only once, 
one of my many questions was answered, 
by Lucy's very own lips even!
She informed me the reason WHY
she was crying and wouldn't sleep.
And I quote,
"Cared. Wight."
Being interpreted is, "Scared. Light."
She is scared by the lack of light.
She is scared of the dark.
This I already know...
A little reminder resulted in
a night light being installed.
Communication is key.
Everybody wins.
I get to email Scott 
while the girls sleep soundly.

Just so Clara does not feel left out,
she was a very good girl today,
said some new sound combinations,
and even said what sounded like,
She wouldn't repeat it though
I think because she's stubborn!!
(We're in for a treat, I'm sure).

BTW: I don't actually believe Lucy is a genius. I realize that children develop differently at different times. There are some days when it seems like she learns a whole bunch of new things, so I call those genius days. Something I've noticed about when genius days occur...almost always the day after she eats FISH. Just sayin'. :)

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