Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Share and Share Alike

A bedtime routine is a difficult endeavour 
with the two wee ones in the same room and
with Daddy away! 
Last night, I decided it best to sit in the next room and
wait until I was positive both girls were asleep.
 Clara was especially cranky and so, giving me trouble. 
Little Lucy was more interested in jumping in her crib
 then sleeping, but is usually easily persuaded. 
The protests and complaints from Clara began to subside and 
Lucy was no longer jumping so I figured I was in the clear...
until I heard (around a soother) a very loud, "Hi!!" from Lucy,
no response from the baby though. 
Lucy insisted, repeating "HI!!" a couple more times. 
Then she said, "Claya?". Pretty sure I heard Clara start kicking her feet
Then in a sing-song voice I heard, "Claaaaaaa-yaaa...." 
Then another, "Hi!" Then "Oh-c(sorry)". Not sure why she said that, 
but then another "Claya." 
Then Clara started in with, "De, Babababa." And, "Bede, bede." 
That's when I decided it had gone far enough. 
As soon as I walked in, 
Lucy was ready with her arms wide open 
for an accepting hug and excitedly saying, "Mommy!"
Clara was kicking away and chattin' it up. 
It's so exciting to see (hear, in this case) 
these two little people truly communicating and interacting! 
I do love my sleep, but I love my girls more!

“How do you do it?”  I blurted out, even though I didn’t really mean to.  “When was the last time you got any sleep?”
Bryn brushed a wisp of long hair behind her ear thoughtfully.  “I don’t know.  I’ve never really worried about that,” she said quietly as she rocked her baby back and forth.  “I figure God is big enough to give me just what I need for each day.  Maybe it’s not as much as I would like or as much as I think I need, but I have to believe that it’s sufficient for the moment.  He promises that, you know?”

If you're a mom 
or want to be one someday, 
please read this truly inspiring post.

"Bryn shifted her baby to the other shoulder and sighed. “I’m not saying it’s not hard.  It is. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.  My back hurts and my stomach looks like stretched out Silly Putty, and if you saw my house, you’d be embarrassed for me,” she smiled and I realized I liked her again.  “But somehow, God saw fit to give me these babies for this time, and I can’t help but being awed by that.”

I got permission to share the link here.
It was exactly the encouragement/rebuke
 I needed to hear tonight. :)


Laura MacInnis said...

This made me laugh a little, as much as you love your sleep, its hard when your kids greet you like that to have any frustration left. All you can do is smile and hug them back! You and I must of been reading the same blog, because I wrote a post last night about the same story and how much I needed to hear it yesterday!! What an encouragement it was. Hope you are doing well, and congrats on baby # 3!!! =)

Krystle Watters said...

That blog sure is an encouragement, eh? And really funny!! We need to show Vanessa. :) Thanks for the congrats! Do you think we're crazy? We are. :) Congrats on Madisyn walking, btw!!