Sunday, July 8, 2012


We successfully moved! The Lord provided everything we needed, like strength and energy, help, and a house. We were cutting it pretty close, waiting on whether or not Scott was going to be replaced as field guy. Those situations make us trust God more. We have no choice. I like it that way. :)
We love our new place and are so thankful! It's a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, semi-detached at the end of a street which just so happens to be the backyard of an elementary school including a playground! We're mostly unpacked. Scott put pictures up today and now it feels like home. The girls are having way too much fun being in the same room now, it's pretty much adorable.
We had Lucy's belated birthday party with my Mum's side of the family this afternoon. It was a scorcher, we were all sweating! Then it down-poured and I got my arm soaked trying to close one of the front windows.
It has been so encouraging and refreshing to actually be able to see my husband and have him home for the evenings, now that he's not field guy at the farm. We're praying about future income possibilities(mainly more time for ministry), if you could pray along with us it would be much appreciated. Scott is still working at the farm for now, just 30 hours/week instead of, you know, 75 hours/week. I'm NOT sad to see the month of June has passed. What a trying time! Between working those hours, him preaching full-time, moving, and me being sick plus pregnant...good times, for sure!
 My Mum, Dad, Shawn, and Aunt Liz were exhausted too, I'm sure, from helping me take loads over to the new house almost every weeknight for a week! We're so thankful for the help of family and friends (including our loving church people who brought meals!) The Lord taught us much though and continues to do so. We are encouraged!
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Mini vacation to PEI!
The little Pals :)
Lucy and Lydia
Dad carrying around a ball that he soon got rid of!
The wind-blown look

Before Lucy's skirt was soaked

Scott got to come to Fundy for Canada Day on Monday!

Mum got this, 4 rings included!
Classic! A slinky!

She blew out the candle! And blew some Cheesies onto the cake...lovely.   

Supposed to be on the window, and yet...
(her dress came off before she dug into the chocolate cake, btw)


The Ravert Family said...

Yeah all moved! It s so refreshing being in a new place and knowing that the Lord worked out all the detail! Maybe I'm just totally behind in the times, but is Sctt pastoring or was he Illinois in for someone?

Krystle Watters said...

Ya, Scott is assistant pastor at our church and was preaching full-time while our pastor was away for the month of June. He also worked full-time at the farm, but would rather just preach full-time! We're praying that could be the case in the near future, instead of getting another full-time job. :)

George and Amy said...

Been thinking about you alot lately!!! So good to hear your all moved and settling in. :)

Krystle Watters said...

Thanks Amy! That means a lot. :) How are you feeling these days?

Jessica said...

Wow Krystle, your girls have really grown alot since the last time I visited your blog!! Cuties! :)