Friday, June 1, 2012

May was a busy month,

What can I say? :)
We had a wonderful trip to NH and were so so SO encouraged and blessed! We've been getting ready to move in a couple weeks here. Who am I kidding, we haven't even packed a box! I've done a whole lot of talking about it though. I have two restrictions: the monster baby belly and an extreme lack of energy. Who knew that caring for a toddler AND a baby every day while being pregnant could be so exhausting? People did try to warn me...such is life. :)
I've been keeping busy with our crazy life and Scott, you ask? Well, I see him before our heads hit our pillows pretty much. Oh, and during church times. He's that guy who helps load and unload the girls out of our van. I'm kind of exaggerating, it is so much better than it was a while ago. Or, at least our attitudes are better! Thanking the Lord for that...mine was pretty rotten. I'm sure you're saying to yourself, and your outlook now is an improvement? Yikes! Well, it's just the truth. :)
Harvest has begun, our pastor and his wife are gone til the end of June, we do need to pack, move, and clean the house in less than two weeks, and Scott is helping work on the renovations at the farm house we're supposed to move into too. Those are the facts, a succinct update for you.
Our sweet little girls are growing and changing, bringing much joy and laughs to us! Clara is no longer a beast, but is actually quite a nice little person sporting two bottom teeth as of this morning! She's a doll, what can I say? :) Lucy is our little Chatty Patty and is a source of constant entertainment...and in need of almost constant correction. I assume it comes with the age? She turns two years old in one month and a day! She's thoughtful, sensitive, a tease, and our sweet firstborn little girl. She's getting tall and surprises me by reaching and grabbing things that I think are out of her reach. She's obsessed with Cheesies. She likes to talk about monsters even though she has no clue what they are. She now teases us and says that Mommy, Daddy, and Clara are "monsers". She loves having friends over for play dates even though she turns into the most disobedient little person I could ever imagine...almost. She still thinks that using the potty is "yucky" and a "mess", unfortunately for me. She thinks that her Daddy spends all day and a lot of the evening downstairs in the laundry room with the "cows" behind the "door". I still haven't figured out why, since she only let me in on this secret yesterday. As you might be able to guess, I spend a lot of time with Lucy and love her very much...even though she gets on my nerves. :) I still love my husband more though, don't worry! :)
She just woke up early from her nap and now Clara needs a bottle too, so here are some pics for you. :)

dragon fruit is fun!

Shawnie w his business degree!

Victoria Day at Wolfe Lake
Fundy with the fam!
(except Scott who had to work)


Frances said...

I guess I missed your announcement--when is your baby due? Elizabeth and Dan are expecting Sept.28th. Do you know what you are having this time--they are having a boy;-)

Krystle Watters said...

That's very exciting bout Elizabeth and Dan! Congrats to them and to you! Our baby is due Oct.28th, but we're waiting to find out again this time...hoping for a boy! :)