Friday, September 14, 2012

Clara's 1st Bday!

Things here have been busy, exhausting, but fun! The Lord has provided for all of our needs, as always. I really am ready to get this baby out, less than 6.5 weeks left now! There is no better word to describe this stage of pregnancy #3 in a row besides exhausted. And the aches and pains, ugh. The Lord always gives the exact amount of energy needed for the day and its activities.
The girls are growing and changing so quickly. Lucy is a sweet, compliant little girl most of the time. She's a real joy and entertainment! She and her friend, Carter, started Sunday School a couple weeks ago and she loves it so much! Clara is starting to communicate a lot more. She tries to repeat lots of words and uses sign language quite often too. Sometimes she surprises me and listens when I tell her no! She's definitely more strong-willed than little Lucy, but she seems to be a lot more agreeable as she's able to communicate more. I've been impressed with how they're learning to share. Baby girl #3 is very strong and active. I truly am fearful that her personality will match her physical strength. We cannot wait to meet her! It feels like we've discussed every name possibility available and still haven't decided on one! Last night we came to the conclusion that once she's born, we'll know what her name should be. Exciting!
Scott is planning to go to a men's retreat this weekend and my Mum is going to come help me potty train Lucy, or try to. I suspect she'll be cleaning up a lot of pee since I can't bend over anymore. :) I've only changed one #2 diaper for Lucy in weeks, but she doesn't seem to understand that she should do #1 in the toilet too. Recently, we've been to the zoo with friends and my Mum and some of  aunts took Lucy to Crystal Palace to ride the carousel and train. She talks about that continually!
Enough updates, here are some pics for you! :)

Clara wore the same outifit as Lucy had for her first birthday



kitchen entryway

can't believe she's already one!!

Mamie came for the party and stayed for a visit!

sister love

Clara knew it was her new toy and didn't want to share!


The Ravert Family said...

Happy Birthday Clara!

Becky said...

Your girls are so adorable!! Happy Birthday to sweet little Clara!!

Krystle Watters said...

Thanks so much, ladies! :)