Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mobile Uploads

Some pics for you! Still waiting for baby #3 to come out...I know, I know, my due date is 4.5 weeks away still. The pain and discomfort is getting old fast is all. I know, I shouldn't complain. I still go to bed each night and look back on my day thanking God for giving me the strength to get through...along with providing help I so desperately need, of course (Scott, Mum, etc.) Lucy and Clara haven't slowed down one bit to meet my snail-like pace. In fact, Clara took her first steps! She mostly runs 5 or 6 steps and lunges forward, falls down and crawls frantically to see what she can get into...goes right along with her personality! They're very good at entertaining themselves and being compassionate, for the most part. I'm thankful! Please pray for us, all of us, including my Mum. We need the Lord's strength in these physically exhausting days! Thanks. :) Here's the pics to prove we're still alive.
As you can see, no keys in ignition. Just wanted to point that out. :)

I love Friday nights! This one, I got to get out of the house with my sis!

Pretty much what we do all day...Ya right!

Grammie comes for lunch, usually the highlight of our day.

Wearing Grampie's glasses

Like father, like daughter.

Big sisters, all ready for baby #3!


Becky said...

Love the pictures!! Your girls are so adorable-- praying for you these last few weeks!

Krystle Watters said...

Thanks Becky! I definitely appreciate the prayers even more at this point!